Trading CardsPokemon2023 World Championships Deck Colorless Lugia
2023 World Championships Deck Colorless Lugia
2023 World Championships Deck Colorless Lugia
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2023 World Championships Deck Colorless Lugia
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2023 World Championships Deck Colorless Lugia

2023 World Championships Deck Colorless Lugia


$14.50 USD

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2023 World Championships Deck Colorless Lugia (Pokemon)
Play Like a Champion! Step into the world of champions with a 2023 Pokémon TCG World Championships Deck! These decks are exact replicas of top contenders' decks from the World Championships in Yokohama. Choose one of four powerhouse decks and experience the same strategies as the best players in the game! Each 2023 World Championships Deck includes: 60-card World Championships Deck 2023 World Championships booklet Special 2023 World Championships pin 2023 World Championships coin 2023 World Championships deck box Playmat and poster Code card for Pokémon Trading Card Game Live Note: These decks feature exclusive card backs and are not tournament legal. Gabriel Fernandez: Senior Champion (Brazil) Deck Theme: Colorless Lugia Gabriel Fernandez soared to victory with his Colorless Lugia deck, showcasing fast, resilient gameplay focused on Energy acceleration and synergy. At the heart of his deck lies the powerhouse duo, Lugia VSTAR and Archeops. Lugia VSTAR’s ability to pull Archeops to the Bench allows Archeops to return the favor by instantly powering up Lugia for a devastating Tempest Dive attack. With Double Turbo Energy, this deck is primed to sweep opponents and claim Prize cards! Deck List: Pokémon 3× Lugia VSTAR 4× Lugia V 4× Archeops 2× Lumineon V 2× Snorlax 1× Drapion V 1× Slaking V 1× Radiant Tsareena 1× Wyrdeer V 1× Pumpkaboo Trainer Cards 3× Boss's Orders 3× Iono 3× Professor's Research 1× Professor Burnet 2× Collapsed Stadium 2× Path to the Peak 4× Capturing Aroma 4× Ultra Ball 2× Nest Ball 2× Choice Belt Energy Cards 4× Double Turbo Energy 4× Jet Energy 2× Gift Energy 2× Therapeutic Energy 2× V Guard Energy Prepare to harness the power of a World Champion and claim victory with this iconic Lugia VSTAR strategy!
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